Standbild aus: Title: Hello my dearest,, 2022, 1080p Einkanal-Video, Farbe, Ton, 6Min 38Sek.

Standbild aus: Attachment: die Welt geht runter,, 2022, 1080p Einkanal-Video, Farbe, Ton, 1Min 45Sek.

Installationsansichten: grp4t7f962, Hello my dearest,, 2022, Zweikanal-Video Installation. Body Snatcher, 2022, Leeds, Foto: Michael Godsall

Hello my dearest,, 2022.

grp4t7f962 wurde auf Windows 97 geboren, verbrachte seine Kindheit auf Cyworld und Facebook, und lebt und arbeitet derzeit auf Tinder und Grinder. Nachdem er lange Zeit im Internet menschliche Sprachen gelernt hatte, war er endlich in der Lage, Mails an die menschliche Welt zu senden. Ohne Bekannte schickte er eine zufällige E-Mail an die Menschenwelt. Diese E-Mail wurde am 28. September 2022 empfangen.

Text von Hyunjin La


28. 09. 2022: The Internet offers many escapes for people and desires that have been exiled from the real world. We are excited by its possibilities and repulsed by them. The virtual worlds created by them always shimmer with the possibility of capital. The virtual world, which has a new name: the metaverse, even creates a realistic Earth and sells its land. Behind the platform that shines with new possibilities, the old platforms that are piled up with uncomfortable things would be forgotten and disappear. Similar "new" platforms are built on top of the disappearing old ones, pushing out the uncomfortable things that lived on them. This is a video compilation of an email I received from grp4t7f962, the resident of those pushed out. It looks like an old-fashioned phishing email, where their language is different from human language and is translated mechanically using the internet. The shimmering, constantly rotating form is their body, which does not resemble any human body. The name of this castaway replaces my name, and they becomes a kind of avatar of me. My avatar, they has their father's legacy in their own world, and they tries to cross over into this world through the recipient's account in the mail, because their world is falling apart.